Saturday, February 14, 2009

Cross-breeding in UK strikes!

I read, in earnest, the "Weird Creature seen in Falmouth," as was reported and posted by Liz R. at

I then clicked on and studied the drawing made of this a.k.a. 'critter,' or--eh Gads: 'a little woods monster?'
The drawing clearly shows to me at least, a cross-bred 'wild cat' and 'raccoon,' or a raccoon and wild cat.
Coming from the southland in the USA, I've seen many cross-bred dogs, horses, and yes, even cross-bred cats.
This critter seen in Falmouth, U.K., certainly appears to be such a cross-bred of a wild cat (or even a 'Bobcat,' a known 'wild critter' of the cat family, if such actual animals exist over in England), and I say 'wild,' as I once saw a Bobcat on a hunting trip down in south Texas that was very aggressive and nearly got shot by me had it not become more scared of me and ran off than me of it.
Therefore, in all seriousness, raccoons 'do' stand up on their broad hanked hind legs as they eat fish or other foods with their front paws. They're funny to watch, as they are so clean in eating, and I've seen this many times, so a cross-bred raccoon and possible bobcat or wild cat would answer this question or, puzzle of a 'wild critter,' in my honest oppinion.
Case closed.
John Deeds